Monday 24 September 2012

  1. Brainstorming - how the game will work/look, then sort out the production schedule, who will do what.
  2. Break down the ideas, colour code. Works as the productions nerve centre.
  3. Artists sketch out, scene by scene storyboard, the characters and background.
  4. graphic artists recreate the story boards digitally. Add colours, textures, shading. 
  5. Create skeletons.
  6. Design each movement that is possible for the character to make in the game.
  7. Other animators create the backgrounds. 
  8. Create the story board using rough made characters. 
  9. Motion capture.
  10. Programmers create menus.
  11. Engineers create artificial intelligence.
  12. Actors record voices.
  13. Audio technician adds voices to characters.
  14. Game is tested. This is the last chance for the game to be fixed of any bugs.

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